Friday, February 7, 2020

Solving The Problem

For the issue that I am trying to solve, I have selected people trying to find parking spots in places where parking is limited, and especially the fact that finding one of those spots oftentimes depends on luck, rather than in the amount of time someone has been waiting for it. This issue has been identified in different places and situations, including but not limited to shopping centers, college campuses, arenas during concerts, sports events, or other events in general.

As to this matter, my solution is to place little cameras, that already exist, in front of the parking spots so that they can know if the spot is being utilized or not. This will also be synced to a mobile application that will keep a waitlist for people looking for parking spots, placing people that have been waiting for longer on top. After the cameras detect that a parking spot is being freed up, it will assign it and reserve it to the person that has been waiting for longer and give him directions on how to get to it. People will also be able to customize if there is a certain section of the parking lot that they are interested in, or if they want to only use one that is within a radius of their desired gate of entrance. This will assure that the assignment of spots occurs in a just manner and therefore, relieving some of the madness in people within parking lots.


  1. Hi Richard,
    When I first read your hypothesis, I did not know what your solution would be, but now after reading it, I feel like this idea is genius. Having these little cameras will save people time from going up and down the aisles looking for a spot, and when the spot frees up, the camera will alert you. Excellent idea!

  2. Hello Richard,
    I have absolutely experienced the issue you identified, parking can be incredibly difficult to find, especially on UF’s campus. I think the app solution you presented is a wonderful idea, and definitely one that I would use personally, were it to be implemented in the fashion you suggested. I think that your idea could certainly alleviate the problem, and make finding parking much less of a hassle.
    Great job,
