Thursday, January 30, 2020

Opportunity Belief

Most of the times, when people go to places where there is a lot of people going, finding parking is absolutely a hassle. Some lucky people might find the parking spot of someone heading out right away, while others go in circles tens of minutes and yet do not find anything. Most people who go to packed, for example, malls, colleges, or special events definitely have this issue. This need has always existed but seems to be intensifying as there are more and more cars every time going around. To this matter, some places have reserved parking spots that you have to pay for in order to get in, but this only helps the few willing to pay the extra fee. As of the general public, they just have to hope for the best, and sometimes go in circles until they find something.

As a percentage, I am about 75% sure that there is an opportunity in this field to succeed.

My prototypical customer would be malls, colleges, or buildings in general that have limited parking, and tend to have large amounts of people going in. And at the same time, these institutions would use my services for the advantage of their guests.

After interviewing some of the potential people that would be benefited by my idea (college students), the three of them expressed that parking not only on campus, but on busy places may be absolutely terrible, and they become aware of the need for a change immediately. One of them expressed that sometimes, she is OK just waiting for a parking spot, but when it has been more than three minutes without any luck, she becomes stressed. The other two people said that they do not like searching for parking spots at all.

They also expressed that they became aware of the need as soon as they started driving and going to congested places, because it can be very unfair that getting a spot depends on luck, instead of who has more time waiting. As of right now, the only solution they have is to wish for the best luck, or try to follow people who are heading out, but they are not satisfied with this solution.

Now I feel like most of my opportunity is still there, although I know it can be very complex to develop. I also definitely feel that the feedback that I received gives me a lot of guidance on where I would need to aim my idea towards, and in what places it is more useful than in others. Therefore, I can affirm that I have a more accurate idea than before performing the interviews. Finally, I do think that entrepreneurs should always ask for feedback on their ideas, and although there is no way to please every single person, at least one can take the most popular ones and give them solution.


  1. Hi Richard,
    I think you have a real opportunity here. I always have trouble parking in populated public places and I always end up either valeting my car or driving around 5 times until a spot opens up. I just want to know what your solution to this problem is. Every day there is construction somewhere making more parking but that obviously helps but it comes back to the same problem when that gets filled up as well. But the opportunity is there to make a big change. Great work!

  2. Hey Richard,
    Great post! I also hate looking for parking spots. I did my post on parking so I agree there is an opportunity for parking. Parking is always going to be an issue in any place with a lot of people. I agree with you that finding a solution can be very complex to develop and that is why we have not seen a solution yet.

  3. Hey Richard,
    I think this opportunity is needed as soon as possible, it is honestly well overdue. I see this happening badly on campus and really busy areas like areas around Miami beach and stadiums. There is never any parking. If not, parking gets extremely expensive for limited time slots and sometimes you end up over paying to avoid getting towed or ticketed. I think you opportunity would excel.

  4. Hello Richard,
    I think that parking can absolutely be an unmet need in any community. Parking, and parking lots, are a fixture that has remained unchanged for many, many years. I think an opportunity for improvement and modernization certainly exists, and is absolutely something that a savvy entrepreneur could capitalize on. I think you received very effective feedback from your interviews, and that the interviews you did provided great insight into the need itself.
    Loved the post,
